Victoria Maori Wardens General Meeting

Kia Ora whanau

Our Victoria Maori Wardens had our General Meeting for the year where the Korero was very true & inspirational to who and why our members are so very passionate to who and what we do in the community we live here in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Thank you to all our members who attended, a special mention to Danielle & Keegan for a fantastic presentation on policies & procedures working towards all youth.

A Big thank you to all members and especially the hard working Executive.

Christine Sevita Treasurer
Eva Tai-Rakena Sth East Ops manager
Keegan Grant Nth West Ops manager
Maria Kumar Youth coordinator
Wendy Morrison Events Coordinator
Josephine Hukatai Warrnambool Ops manager

Welcome to the new interim Secretary John Wickham who will replace the outgoing hard working Helen Smith.
at the upcoming AGM.

A awesome korero had towards the upcoming National Maori Wardens meeting hosted by our Victoria Maori Wardens.

Thank you to all our VMW members for all your dedication and hard work.

James Hohepa Smith
Victoria Maori Wardens Inc

Aroha Ki te tangata






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